We have our own in-house designed computer programme that ensures that all Legionella Risk Assessments are in a standard format. This means that they are complete and quickly turned around in an efficient manner.

We follow the UK the Health and Safety Executives ACoP L8 – Approved Code of Practice and Guidance document titled “Legionnaires’ disease: The control of legionella bacteria in water systems”. This sets out guidance for the Legionella risk assessment and Legionella control procedures as follows;

A suitable and sufficient assessment is required to identify and assess the risk of exposure to legionella bacteria from work activities and water systems on the premises and any necessary precautionary measures. Legionella risk assessments are carried out by or on behalf of;

  1. the employer, where the risk from their undertaking is to their employees or to others; or
  2. a self-employed person, where there is a risk from their undertaking to themselves or to others; or
  3. the person who is in control of premises or systems in connection with work where the risk is
    present from systems in the building (eg where a building is let to tenants but the landlord retains
    responsibility for its maintenance).

Are you a landlord? Click here to learn more about L8 risk assessments for landlords here.

In conducting the risk assessment, the person on whom the statutory duty falls is required to have access to competent help to assess the risks of exposure to legionella bacteria in the water systems present in the premises and the necessary control measures.

Legionella risk assessments should include identification and evaluation of potential sources of risk and;

  1. the particular means by which exposure to legionella bacteria is to be prevented; or
  2. if prevention is not reasonably practicable, the particular means by which the risk from exposure to 
    legionella bacteria is to be controlled.

Where the assessment demonstrates that there is no reasonably foreseeable risk or that risks are insignificant and unlikely to increase, no further assessment or measures are necessary. However, should the situation change, the assessment needs to be reviewed and any necessary changes implemented.

Legionella risk assessments need to be reviewed regularly and, in any case, whenever there is reason to believe that the original assessment may no longer be valid or comply to the HSG 274 guidance.

You can view a sample landlords’ legionella risk assessment by clicking here.

Please contact us for more information regarding our legionella control. We are located in Burton-on-Trent, however our Legionella risk assessment services are offered nationwide.

To view the HSE “Legionnaires’ disease guide for employers” leaflet please click here.


Water tank cleaning and tank chlorination.

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Designing bespoke L8 Monitoring programmes.

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First class Legionella control service.

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Risk Assessments

Identify and assessing the risk of exposure to legionella bacteria.

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A background to Legionella, the potential risks associated with water systems.

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